So, sit back and rest your eyes on these fine specimens of the female persuasion...
Some of these pics © 1999 Cloud 9 (The Tribe) so like, commercial parties and stuff, uh ,don't copy it cos i'll get in trouble
Evil Amber?
Evil Trudy! (Took me half an hour to find a decent picture of Toni!)
And Ebony is always evil anyway...thank god
Normal May
is that a whip or just an excitingly large stick...
Trudy and Amber enjoying life (as they should...)
Trudy wiv a good hairstyle (v.rare)
Formidable mupper
Amber in the black leather yyaaay!
Babe in the wood
The smile that warmed the hearts of many...
Apologies for this photo but im running out of ideas...
Its true, sleep really does make u beautiful...
Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Caption censored for reference to a certain mole/freckle
It would be something if one could collect all three...
Foxy lady...
Hu would like to be a cameraman at this moment in time...go on, admit it...
A caring mother...
All in a day's work for the tribe's resident goddess...ahh bless
Was trudi better in her younger days?
Small but so very,very sweet
Come on, you can trust me...
ummm... tai san, why do we wear hi-cut tops when u cant even see our cute belly buttons? I dont know amber, let me take a herbal remedy to shut this freak hu writes this stuff up!
waaaahhhheeey Megan!
thats nice i'll take 2...
Does it look better wiv or wivout the zulu knots, guys?
Take the ignoring people next to u with the idiot in the middle challenge... trudy, you r our winner!
Look ino the future, what do you see... asks a ponderous superbabe