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Please answer this poll!(Who is your favourite tribebabe?)

Which Tribebabe is the prettiest?

Hey guys!!!
I have now had this site for just about a year now, and I would like to thank all those of you who have emailed me (about 8 of you) and all of those who have made a comment on my site (about 10 -d'oh!)
If you would like to vote for your favourite Tribebabe, click on the link above - feel free to just look at the pictures - and guys, its OK to laugh at the comments, Im only being semi-serious!!!
Anyway ,cheers guys
Bring on Tribe 5!!!
Tribebabe Updates!

6/2/02 - site inaugrated
9/2/02 - cool stuff done to site so it longer reads like a german minor's 20-year old spellchecker
15-21/02/02 finishing off photo page one phew!
3/4/02 been updating photos page and trying to scout for other good sites - if you hav a site e-mail it to me and be linked!
27/11/02 much later guys-check out some new updates-more coming soon!
25/2/03 - now scouting for Tribe 5 pics: check out page 4 to see if Ive had any success!

19/1/05 - finally got round to having  look at how this website is doing- big shout out to all my friends in Tribeworld who are keeping the dream alive!

Welcome To My Home Page
My photos pages are now complete! Check out pages 1 to 3 for the completed pages - page 4 under construction!!!

Number of people visited this site:20918
What do YOU think of Salene as city leader? Leave your opinion in the guestbook.
If u dig the crazy site, please will u vote for mi site to be the bestjust click here...just enter mi site address and url "tribe babes" thanx!

If you would like to comment on this website, please see below, or e-mail me at the below address if u would like your own site to be affliated with this one (guaranteed reply to all e-mails)

Where are
you from:

NOTE:WEBSITE WARS COMING SOON!E-mail the above address to enter or register your vote for participating website - see links page

Amy Morrison, who playd Zandra in series 1
(As well as new pictures of characters in the current series,I will throw in the odd "old skool"series 1 pic)
Send an email: e-mail me at mupper69@hotmail.com

ALL COMMENTS WELCOME - especially good ones